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The Grade 7-9 class of 2021-2022 is under leadership of our Governor General Award winning teacher, Ms Temma Frecker. Many families come to us in these Middle School Years for a gentler and individualised transition from Elementary or Home School before going to a local high school. 


The Grade 7-9 Curriculum is modelled on the IB's Middle Year's Program. This is an inter-disciplinary model where subjects are often combined under a Statement of Inquiry. The basic curriculum calendar is laid out below but can be subject to change throughout the year.

TBS POI 2021 - MYP 2021.jpg



The Middle Years represent a time of transition, a deeper discovery of the self, an expanding worldview, and empowerment. At The Booker School, our Middle Years students develop international mindedness within a global context. This is done through:


  • A rigorous academic program grounded in student-led inquiry, higher order thinking and an inter-disciplinary approach (collaborative units encompassing multiple disciplines as well as stand alone modules);

  • A relevant and authentic curriculum that is concept driven allowing for in-depth exploration of big ideas from multiple perspectives and global contexts (expanding knowledge and applying conceptual understandings to new situations);

  • Character development framed by the lens of the IB Learner Profile and Attitudes, service learning and action, and the development of executive skills and self-regulation;

  • Individualized learning that nurtures increasing independence and responsibility, helps students discover and realize their full potential by setting attainable goals which challenge the individual learner;

  • The Global Goals for Sustainable Development


Our engaging curriculum is driven by students’ curiosity. It encourages critical reflection, principled action (locally, nationally and globally), and ultimately a deeper understanding of the world and their place within it as empowered global citizens.





The International Baccalaureate's Middle Years Programme is a scaffold for the curriculum being taught in the Booker School's Middle Years class. Subjects are taught in an inter-disciplinary nature, where the Core Statements drive the inquiry but stand-alone tuition in specific subject disciplines is also recognised. 


STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) are taught integrated with each other and with the Core Statements. Time for 'makerspace' activities, to unlock inquiry, problem solving and creativity, is integrated into the weekly schedule.  PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) is taught through weekly routines such as hiking, biking and creating personal fitness goals. Subject such as Language Arts, Social Studies and Visual Arts are often fully integrated into the Core Statements.


This scaffold allows for the differentiation of the curriculum for every child, not just according to age but also by where they are academically. The teachers have the flexibility to extend and support as needed. At The Booker School, the Educational Committee decided to use the British Columbian new curriculum to support our own and this is fully available online. This was determined by its concept-driven, modern design that allows students to delve deeply into different areas.





Assessment is integral to all parts of the curriculum, with a balance between formative and summative assessment. The prime objective of assessment in the Middle Years is to provide constructive feedback on the teaching-learning cycle. It happens frequently throughout the school year. It identifies what students know, understand, can do, and feel at different stages in the learning process, including their strengths and areas for improvement.


Students and teachers are actively involved in the assessment process and the purpose and means of assessment should be clearly explained to students. Students are increasingly involved in the determination of assessment criteria. Students are also expected to self-assess, reflect on their learning, and set goals. Concepts, Approaches to Learning, Attitudes and the Learner Profile are explicitly taught, emphasized and reflected upon. Parents should be aware of their children’s progress, and should be part of that progress by supporting the student and the school.




Identities & Relationships


Theatre can be used as a medium to explore personal development and to create social change.



Orientation in Space & Time


Critical readers understand that historical context and authors’ perspectives affect readers’ interpretations of literary, historical and scientific texts and the concept of the truth.



Personal & Cultural Expression


An author’s vision of
the future often
reflects the negative
aspects of our society
or offers a warning.



Scientific & Technical Innovation


Technological advances in food systems create opportunities and challenges for the environment, society and the economy.

Globalisation & Sustainability


Adaptability is demonstrated by the ability to change, alter or cope with new environments or circumstances.



Fairness & Development



A student led inquiry based on a personal passion within the framework of the Global Goals for Sustainable Development

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