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Academics at The Booker School

When taking admissions and talking with people in the community, one of the first questions we get is 'What makes The Booker School different?'. Well, over the last 12 months the team put together a document defining the four areas of our Educational Program.

In this Blog Post, we would like to define what we refer to as Academics in our school. During 2020, we look forward to launching our new website with clear examples of this educational program in action and what it means to invest in your child's education at The Booker School. If you're interested in finding out more, arranging a tour or a stay-a-day for your child, please reach out to our admissions by emailing or calling 902-585-5000.

Inquiry & Concept Based Education

Our educational program is focused upon the philosophies of inquiry and concept based learning. By teaching students the skills of inquiry and delivering a curriculum that is significant, meaningful, engaging and relevant, our program develops a love of life-long learning. Our program follows an inquiry model that starts by identifying a students’ previous knowledge and then provokes the students into questioning and exploring the world around them.

Experiential Learning

We believe that for students to be engaged and for them to gain a true understanding of curriculum content, providing experiential learning opportunities is crucial. Giving students the chance to explore the world around them with real-life contextual experiences provides meaningful opportunities & connections. Being active in the learning process has a greater lasting effect and we encourage students to be active learners.

Education Outside The Classroom

Taking learning beyond the four walls of the classroom demonstrates to students that what they are learning has a purpose. We use the natural outdoor environment on campus as well as local resources to enrich and embellish our program. We head outside throughout the year, to add depth to the academic and social aspects of our program.

Transdisciplinary Program Of Inquiry

Our educational program is built upon transdisciplinary units of inquiry. This means that multiple subjects are taught around one central idea, allowing students to experience learning in a real-life context where skills and knowledge in different disciplines are required. Within a session in the classroom, students use a range of subjects, such as Math, Science, Social Studies, and Literacy, to further their learning and understanding of the central idea. This is supported by regular ‘stand-alone’ lessons in the schedule to develop core skills.

Individualised Learning

We recognise that every student develops at different speeds and each student has different needs and skills. In our small classes, we are able to provide individualised learning to ensure every student gets what they need to succeed. While we have grade level expectations, we know that a student may be working above grade level in one area, but could also need support in another. With flexibility in the curriculum, we can ensure every student is challenged and supported to find growth throughout the year.

Technology As A Tool

Technology is developing at a faster rate than ever, and is integrated into modern society in ways that were previously unimaginable. We balance the use of technology as a tool at The Booker School to support the students’ academic growth. Students may also use technology to be creative and to communicate. Throughout the school, the use of technology is purposeful, safe, and intentional. We currently utilise iPads, Chromebooks, and other various hardware and software to enrich the academic program.

French As An Additional Language

As The Booker School is in a bilingual country and located in an area with Acadian roots, we offer French as an additional language of instruction. All students receive French instruction from Pre-Kindergarten through to Grade 8. In order to be meaningful and authentic for the students, it is mostly linked to the transdisciplinary units of inquiry. This develops a better understanding of purpose and significance for the students. The delivery of French is also supported by more standalone lessons where grammar, vocabulary and skills help build a foundational understanding of the language. It is recognised that some families may have alternative first and second languages at home.

Life Skills

From self-management, to cooking and budgeting, our program incorporates the learning of life skills. Within our educational program, students learn skills that will help them throughout life to aid them in reaching their full potential. Students are empowered to take increasing levels of responsibility throughout the year and during their time in our program. Teachers provide opportunities for students to take risks, solve problems, and develop skills for personal growth.


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